
It’s a word that has a lot of different meanings, in general and in my own life. It makes me think of my grandpa, who loved to fish. I remember throwing a line off the dock into the St. Croix and pulling up a small, iridescent sunfish a minute or two later. It seemed like there were a million of them. If they weren’t hurt, we threw them back, as I recall. I was very young at the time. ‘Casting’ also brings up a lot of associations from my acting life. In this context, it’s a loaded word. Are they casting? Did they cast already? Was I cast? Who’s in the cast? The answers to these questions could instantly change my day, for better or worse. One of the reasons I’m not acting anymore, actually. In knitting, though. In knitting ‘casting’ means one of two things: beginning (casting on) or finishing (casting off). Oh what wonders are involved in both! And how simple it can be. I know knitters who use the same cast-on and cast-off, no matter the project. Others may have a couple of go-to’...