Finished Enough

The river is frozen to the shore this morning. Slabs of ice indistinguishable from the rocks. The tide fights its way up beneath the crust. In places the surface of the river looks oddly like sun-cracked desert sand. Only completely bleached of color.

I wore every layer I could think of to keep out the subzero blasts of wind. I committed a knitter's sin, in fact. My leg warmers have been fully knit for, oh, about three years. But I haven't gotten around to weaving in their ends yet. (Maybe we should make it two sins...) I wore them anyway. One end escaped my boot and threatened to trip me on the station stairs. I don't care. My legs are warm.

They're the Faux Cable Legwarmers by Alice Hyde (scroll down a little on her pattern page to find them). I knit them with some leftover KnitPicks Swish Worsted in Eggplant, that I'd used to make a baby blanket. Superwash merino. Doesn't get much softer than that. And yes, they are as squishy as they look.


  1. I have a baby blanket identical to that color that my kids fight over. ;)


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