
I've only ever done one mystery knit along (MKAL) before. It was a lot of fun and I still wear the little vest I made. So I'm not sure why I don't do them more often. I am sure that the Sharon Show MKAL that Casapinka * (or rather, her cat, Sharon From Security) is hosting is seriously awesome. I mean. Run by her cat. Do you need to know anything else? SPOILER ALERT: the first clue is shown below. I started knitting the day the first clue came out, all from stash. A few days later I was partway through when I decided that two of the colors looked too close when knit next to one another. (That's one stripe of gray and one stripe of green at the top. See what I mean?) So I switched out the green for pink and moved on. I managed to finish the first clue eventually, and then my hands needed a serious rest, so I had some time to sit back and really look at it. I loved the pattern. I didn't love my colors. I knew what I had to do. A few clicks and a small hit to my ban...