
Maybe it’s a search for connection, or a need to see what other people are making that isn’t being fulfilled in this lockdown life. Or maybe being around other makers just makes me happy. Whatever. I’ve been creating a serious YouTube habit the past few months. 

I started watching podcasts pre-pandemic, but it’s now become an almost every night habit. Periodically I run out of new episodes of the podcasts I’m subscribed to, and go on a hunt for more. I’ve found some amazing talent. Generous crafters (and others) that are sharing a little bit of their lives with the world. They make me laugh, they make me think, they make me feel connected to the world of makers. I’m truly grateful that they’re doing what they’re doing. I thought I’d share a few of my favorites here, in no particular order.


Toad Hollow/The Crafty Toads. These two sisters make beautiful yarn. Watching their podcast is like what I imagine hanging out with them in person is like. There’s lots of laughter and interesting crafty talk. Bonus: they’re podcasting every weekday since the pandemic began.

The Fat Squirrel Speaks. Amy Beth is so intelligent. I love that she shares what she’s been thinking and reading about, as well as her knitting and spinning. Plus she makes the most gorgeous bags!

Gaye Glasspie. Otherwise known as GGMadeIt, I’m sure that Gaye needs no introduction. She is another very intelligent woman, who generously brings us on her journey as a BIPOC crafter. I have learned a lot from her. And she loves orange – also my favorite color!

Frame & Fiber. Paige the Framer is the owner of Frame & Fiber, a (you guessed it) framing and yarn shop in New Jersey. She talks updates on her projects and news about her shop, and takes us along on her walks in the woods and other outdoor adventures.

Voolenvine. Kristin doesn’t need an introduction either. She has recently revamped her podcast, and now shares a lot more about her dying process (such beautiful yarn!), photography, business advice, and more. Plus, of course, what she’s knitting and sewing.

SewRayMe UK. Rachael calls what she does a vlog. Which means that she takes us with her as she goes about her day, sharing cooking tips, her beautiful garden, her knitting, as well as showing us all the beautiful things she sews for her shop. She’s relaxing and inspiring to watch.

Fiber Hustle. These boys make me laugh! Aaron knits and Chip quilts and I love seeing all the beautiful things they make.

Pins and Needles. Zoe sits us down in her cozy living room, by the fireplace and chats about what she’s making, what her family is up to, and occasionally takes us on walks along the coast in Wales, where she lives. She’s the co-owner of Cartref yarn, which is all Welsh wool, beautifully dyed by her and her partner, Jennie.

Earthtonesgirl Podcast. Denise is extremely generous with her expertise. She has put out a whole series of sock knitting tutorials, the No Fear Sock Knitting videos. I love listening to her, and I’m excited for the new adventures she’s beginning.

There are so many more I could share - I seem to be insatiable at the moment. What podcasts do you watch? I’d really love it if you shared them in the comments!

Photo credit: rawpixel.com


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