
I've only ever done one mystery knit along (MKAL) before. It was a lot of fun and I still wear the little vest I made. So I'm not sure why I don't do them more often. I am sure that the Sharon Show MKAL that Casapinka* (or rather, her cat, Sharon From Security) is hosting is seriously awesome. I mean. Run by her cat. Do you need to know anything else?

SPOILER ALERT: the first clue is shown below. 

I started knitting the day the first clue came out, all from stash. A few days later I was partway through when I decided that two of the colors looked too close when knit next to one another. (That's one stripe of gray and one stripe of green at the top. See what I mean?)
 So I switched out the green for pink and moved on. I managed to finish the first clue eventually, and then my hands needed a serious rest, so I had some time to sit back and really look at it. I loved the pattern. I didn't love my colors. 
I knew what I had to do.

A few clicks and a small hit to my bank account later I had what I needed on the way. Grellow. Three grays and a yellow. (See the picture at the top.) I. Love. It. It's Cloudborn Fibers** on their Merino Superwash Sock Twist base, in Slate Heather, Graphite Heather, Grey Heather and Maize Heather. Webs seems to have acquired Bluprint's inventory when they closed, and has it on sale. I have no idea if they're just going to sell it off or if they have plans to continue the line, but I hope it's the latter because this yarn is soft, plump and beautifully drapey. Also very reasonably priced. And I really like how it's knitting up.

Now, of course, I'm hopelessly behind in the MKAL, but that was always going to happen because I can only knit for so long before my hands say stop. And anyway, as Sharon From Security says, it's about having fun, not keeping to a schedule. So I don't think I'll be getting any citations.*** I'll share more when I manage to get all four colors going.

* I'm linking to Casapinka's Instagram account, rather than Ravelry, in case anyone is unable to use Ravelry right now.
** I'm not any kind of affiliate, it's just what I ordered.
*** Sharon From Security likes to give out citations, but not if you're having fun, being kind, and breaking the rules to make it your own. You gotta love a cat like that!


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